The OS‑NET, abbreviated from OccuSens Network, is a smart sensor network solution developed by IR‑TEC to deliver wireless connectivity to every luminaire and lighting circuit. OS-NET is a simpler and smarter wireless lighting control solution developed for the lighting industry to enable smart control with an unsurpassed level of Flexibility, Functionality and Simplicity. By simply installing the OS-NET enabled luminaires, lighting circuits, and plug loads at all applicable areas, a Zigbee based wireless mesh network can be effortlessly deployed and easily configured to execute a variety of smart lighting controls, including numerous occupancy or vacancy sensing controls with multi-level StepDIM or continuous SmartDIM for commercial and industrial lighting systems. The OS-NET system is formed by some simple devices, including OS-NET Sensors (ONS), OS-NET Buttons (ONB), and OS-NET Power Packs (ONP). With some easy and intuitive settings via a handheld remote programmer, all installed OS-NET devices can be wirelessly grouped and linked as a network to execute the programmed control to the connected lights based on the concept of “individual sensing control, group activation.” If necessary, an installed OS-NET enabled lighting can be easily re-configured to provide different control or re-assigned to a different group. IR-TEC's OS-NET is not only a simple solution for OEM lighting manufacturers to enable their luminaires with embedded smart control and wireless connectivity but also a perfect solution for renovating the legacy lighting with solid-state lighting featuring maximum energy savings from human-centric smart controls.
- Transform general luminaires into smart lightings with ease
- Achieve sophisticated control with unparalleled simplicity
- Individual sensing control brings no SPOF robust operation
- Universal control platform available with different luminaires
- Effortlessly deploys an IoT-applicable ZigBee mesh network
- Independent control operation ensures total system security
- Suitable for commercial, industrial and institutional buildings
- Ideal for new building or existing lighting renovation projects
- Fully compliant with the latest ASHRAE 90.1 and CA Title 24 A