If Tim Forse didn’t pursue a career in the exciting world of lighting, he thinks he would be drawn to missionary work, either evangelism or providing hands-on help. He aspires to be a “glass half-full” person who can make people smile through humor, service, or relationships. Smiles also play a big part in his volunteer role with Clowns for Christ, where he travels the US and overseas spreading the gospel to young children through his clown alter-ego, Captain Puffy.
Tim finds working as a Bill Brown Sales regional manager to be rewarding, especially because lighting is something that everyone understands. Whether he is helping a friend select lighting for their new home or “geeking out” over the latest technology with a customer, Tim believes lighting can be a common bond.

Tim and his wife, Dana, live in the Atlanta suburbs. They have two adult children—Ryan works at the Atlanta Airport, and Samantha recently graduated from nursing school.
Tim manages the Southwest Territory for BBS, including Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.